You are able to view your account fees, payments, and receipts on Please note, that these are not official receipts for tax purposes.  SAIT will annually post an official T2202 form that can be used for tax declarations.

  1. Login to MySAIT
  2. Click on the MyStudent tab.
  3. Under Finance Information click on Account Information - To view deposits and payments made on account.
  4. This page has two tabs: Account Transactions: Displays a detailed summary of the history of charges and payments on your account. Deposits: If you made a tuition deposit it will be displayed in this tab.
  5. Hit CTRL + P to print.

Another way to view your Payment history is the following:

  1. Login to MySAIT
  2. Click on the MyStudent tab (if you don't have that tab yet, click on the MyApplication tab).
  3. Under Finance Information click on Canadian Financial Institution (if you went to the MyApplication Tab, click on Canadian Financial Institution under Payment and Student Funding).
  4. Click on the My Account tab.
  5. You'll get two options: Account Activity: Displays charges and payments per term (there are three buttons that allow you to print, export in Excel format or PDF). Payment History: Displays just the payments that you have done, you can view them all or select a date range (to print click the Print button).

You can also find useful the following articles:

Account Statement FAQ

Student Tax Receipts (T2202 / T2202A)