Student Tax Receipts


The T2202 (Tuition, Education and Textbooks Amount Certificate) is a tuition and education tax credit certificate issued by a post-secondary institution to certify a student's eligibility for tuition, education, and textbook amounts.


The T4A (Other Income - scholarships, fellowships, bursaries, and study grants (awards) is a slip issued by a post-secondary institution for amounts that were paid to recipients who received scholarships, fellowships, bursaries, honorariums in a tax year.  For further details please see the CRA website.


What's new? 


  • T2202 vs. T2202A – The form name has now changed from T2202A to T2202 effective 2019 and all tax years moving forward.
  • T4A – will be available on on Feb. 28. Those who do not have access to will receive a T4A by mail.
  • Social Insurance Numbers (SIN) - Effective the 2019 tax year, post-secondary institutions are now required to provide the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) with the social insurance numbers from qualifying students for the T2202 Tuition Tax Credit. Please refer to the CRA website for more information.

Tax information for the previous calendar year, including T2202 and T4A forms, will be available in mySAIT at the end of February of the current calendar year. In the meantime, log in to mySAIT to verify your social insurance number (SIN) and address are correct.

Submit your SIN number through mySAIT:

  • Log in to mySAIT and in the mySAIT tab select myStudent from the dropdown menu. 
  • Select Update SIN found under Taxes in the Finance Information section.
  • Follow the instructions on the page to submit your SIN.

Review How to find and change the personal information on your student profile to learn how to update your address.



Tax documents (T2202,T4A) are issued to students who are over 16 years of age before the end of the taxation year. Students who were less than 16 years of age before the end of the taxation year (January to December) and who took courses at the post-secondary level can obtain their tax documents by filling out a Service inquiry form.


To be eligible for the tuition tax credit, you must have total eligible tuition fees exceeding $100 in a taxation year. Students must be enrolled in a course of studies considered post-secondary level education, or a course of studies that allows the student to obtain or improve skills in an occupation in order to be eligible for a T2202.


Check eligibility >


Calculation of Part-Time or Full-Time Months:


The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) considers you a full-time student if you attend a minimum of 10 hours of instruction time per week for three consecutive weeks.


You will be considered a part-time student if you attend at least three consecutive weeks to equal a minimum of 12 hours of instruction time in a month.


The definitions above are from the CRA and may differ from SAIT's definition of a full-time or part-time student. Review student letters and learn how to request a confirmation of enrolment through mySAIT. This can be used if you require a document to confirm your student status.

Getting your tax documents


Tax documents (T2202, T4A) are available through


We recommend you use a computer to access tax forms. You may have issues accessing the documents with a mobile device.

  1. Log in to mySAIT and in the mySAIT tab select myStudent from the dropdown menu. 
  2. Under Finance Information, select Student Tax Receipts (T2202 or T2202A) or Other Income Tax Slips (T4A).
  3. Choose the year you are looking for from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click the name of the document.
  5. Click Printable Version. If you're unable to view the PDF, check the right side of the address bar for a pop-up blocker and allow pop-ups. If you're having problems, log out and try again using a different web browser.

To obtain a tax form from a previous year please:

  1. Fill out a Service inquiry form.
  2. Please choose the type of inquiry – Finance inquiries.
  3. Then choose Tax questions/forms.



If you have additional questions about your tax documents or the tuition amount reflected, contact SAIT's Finance department by filling out a Service inquiry form. (choose the type of inquiry – Fees, Payments and Tax Forms. Then choose Tax forms/Tax questions)


For questions related to completing your income tax return, refer to the CRA website or call 1.800.959.8281.


More information >