We're happy to help you access the confirmation of enrolment documents you may need to access RESPs, scholarships, or other sources of funding. The steps needed to request this will depend on the type of documentation required and if you're an apprentice or credit student.
Forms from your Financial Institution
Our confirmation of enrolment letter is acceptable to withdraw funds from your financial institution. If your financial institution or RESP provider refuses this letter, please submit a support ticket confirming their refusal with the required forms attached. Be sure to use the following when submitting your request.
- Select Letters/Documents from the inquiry type drop-down menu.
- Choose Confirmation of Enrolment as the Letters/Documents sub-category.
In some situations, there may be a $25 fee attached. We will provide further details if this is required when we respond to your request.
Confirmation of Enrolment Letter - Apprentices
The email you received after you register will have all the information you need to withdraw funds from your financial. Check your inbox for this message sent the day after you registered for a copy of the letter. If you no longer have your original confirmation email, please submit a support ticket.
- Select Letters/Documents from the inquiry type drop-down menu.
- Choose Confirmation of Enrolment as the Letters/Documents sub-category.
Confirmation of Enrolment Letter - Credit Student
Before you complete the steps below, please review your student profile to ensure we have your current address on file. Review How to find and change the personal information on your student profile to learn more.
Follow the steps below to request a confirmation of enrolment through mySAIT.
- Log in to mySAIT and from the mySAIT tab select myStudent from the dropdown list.
- Choose Request Confirmation of Enrolment Letter.
- Select the following from the drop down menus at the bottom of the Confirmation of Enrolment Request page.
- Select the current term from the Term drop-down menu.
- Select Confirmation of Enrolment from the Verification Type drop-down menu.
- Keep the Number of Copies as the default 1 and Click Continue.
- Choose MyCreds Document Upload as the Delivery Method and click Continue.
- Complete the current page by only selecting the following fields.
- Select Permanent from the One of Your Addresses drop-down menu.
- Type your name in the Issue To field and click continue.
- Confirm the information in the Confirm Enrolment Request Summary page is correct and click Submit Request.
Your Confirmation of Enrolment letter will be uploaded to MyCreds™️ (where you can access it at any time) approximately five business days after you submit your request. You will receive an email from MyCreds, when your letter is available. Check your personal email or SAIT email for the MyCreds notification.
To share the letter with a third party, you must purchase “share credits” directly through MyCreds™ — each share credit costs $10 plus applicable taxes and allows you to share your letter once. If you want to download a copy of the letter, you need to share the document with yourself in MyCreds first.
You must purchase one share credit to view your letter. This can be accessed any time you need, even if you have already shared your letter once. Additional share credits are required to share or download the document more than once.
Some financial institutions or third-party organizations may require specific forms signed by SAIT. In this case, you can upload the appropriate forms and submit an inquiry to the Office of the Registrar to have the form filled out and signed.
Custom letter
A custom confirmation of enrolment letter can be issued if your financial institution requires additional information that doesn’t appear on our usual letters. The cost for a custom letter is $25 and they can be requested by submitting a support ticket.
You may need to go this route if you require information including but not limited to the following.
- Additional forms you need us to sign – required forms must be attached to your support ticket.
- Validation of the language of instruction.
- Program delivery method (online vs on-campus learning).
Our team in the Office of the Registrar will contact you about payment. Your letter will be uploaded to MyCreds once the payment is posted to your account.
Helpful links
Access my confirmation of enrolment through MyCreds