If you're currently or were previously enrolled in a SAIT program and wish to change to a different one, you may be eligible to transfer programs. Here's what you need to know before you submit a program transfer. 

Have you completed 50% of your first term?

If you have not successfully completed and received passing grades in at least 50% of the classes in your first term, you will need to submit a new application. Review How to Apply to learn what to do next. 

If you have successfully completed at least 50% of your classes from your first term, you may be eligible to complete a program transfer if:

  • it is during the official add/drop period of the academic semester (with no break in attendance); and,
  • you meet the admission requirements for your new chosen program; and,
  • there is space available in the new program; and,
  • you have obtained approval (signature) of the academic chairs/program coordinators of both your current and future program.

Once you've met the requirements and approvals above, you must submit a program transfer form to the Office of the Registrar. We will contact you when the request is processed at which time, you will need to pay the transfer fee and any difference in tuition fees arising from the transfer.

The timing of the program transfer request and its subsequent approval is at the discretion of the receiving academic chair/coordinator. If your transfer request is successful, you must complete at least the final semester of that new program to receive the appropriate credential.

Click here to download the Program Transfer form