You can share any high school or post-secondary transcripts in MyCreds with us. Here are the steps you need to follow to ensure we receive proof of your education.
- Log into your MyCreds account at
- In the Documents section you will be able to preview your document. Here you can purchase share credits which will allow you to securely share your official transcript with a third party.
- Select the list display button.
- Select the Share button
- If you're viewing the official transcript by selecting the document, the share button will be located to the right of "Download PDF."
- Select the Organisation radio button and then click the CONTINUE button.
- Adding an optional Share name and Purpose of Share will help you to manage your shares as these fields are only visible to you.
- Search for and select SAIT (Southern Alberta Institute of Technology) in the Recipient field.
- Once SAIT (Southern Alberta Institute of Technology) has been selected, more optional and required parameters will be displayed.
- Full Legal Name (Required) – Enter your full legal name as it appeared on your application to SAIT or as it appears on your SAIT record.
- Date of Birth (Required) – Enter your date of birth in YYYY-MON-DD format (e.g. 1999-JAN-01).
- ASN (Optional) – Enter your ASN (Alberta Student Number). It will be 9 digits long.
- SAIT ID (Optional) – Enter your SAIT ID number. It will be 9 digits long and will start with a zero.
- Email address (Required) – Enter your email address as it appeared on your application to SAIT or as it appears on your SAIT record.
- Purpose of document share (Required) – Enter one of the following exactly:
- Admission
- Transfer Credit
- Admission & Transfer Credit
- Other
- Reference (Optional) – A reference is the ability to give a title or label to the share that the receiver will see.
- Expiry Date (Optional) – The expiry date is the ability to give the share an expiry. Please note that if the share has expired and the Admission or Transfer Credit process has not been completed, this may affect the outcome.
- Click the SHARE button - The share has now been created and sent to SAIT (Southern Alberta Institute of Technology).
Sharing History
MyCreds gives you full control over your transcripts and other educational documents. This includes the ability to view every document you have shared as well as who has access to them.
- While on the main Documents view page, click the Sharing link on the top right of the page to view your sharing history.
- The SHARES page will list all shares you have sent for any document you have in MyCreds.
- The Share name is the name you would have created when you shared the document.
- The Recipient is the institution to whom you shared the document.
- The Date shared is the date the document was sent to the recipient institution.
- Expiry date would have the expiry date displayed if you created one.
- Status shows the status of the shared document.*
- The Actions column allows you to activate or deactivate shares.
*Here are further details of what you could see in the status section of the sharing history.
- An Active status means the recipient institution can view the document.
- Inactive means the recipient institution can no longer view the document as the document has been revoked by the sending institution - be sure to contact the sending institution if you feel the document was revoked in error.
- Expired means the expiry date has passed, this can be updated by following the steps below.
- Click the Share name.
- Click the edit button (
) in the upper right corner.
- Update the Expiry date field.
- Click the Save button.
- If the expiry date field is updated to a date in the future SAIT will be able to access the Share again.