Tuition and Fees

The estimated tuition and fee information is for full-time students attending SAIT. Tuition and fees are subject to change.

Actual tuition is calculated based on the number of courses in which you are registered. Optional courses are not included in this tuition calculation. Additional courses will result in higher tuition.

Fees for credit courses offered in the evenings and weekends are now assessed on a per-credit basis.



Upass Update

The UPass fee is a mandatory non-instructional fee assessed to all students in an eligible program - if you are eligible, the fee will be automatically applied as soon as you register in nine credits per term. You can opt-out of this fee if you are enrolled in a fully online program. You must opt-out manually in order for the fee to be reversed. Full details including opt-out instructions and deadlines can be found here

Review details on the UPass program including eligibility, price, how to access the UPass and additional helpful FAQs here. You can also contact the Card Office with any additional questions by emailing