SAIT's Student's Association (Saitsa) provides an affordable benefit plan designed to help full-time students attending SAIT. All full-time students enrolled in a credit certificate, diploma, applied degree or bachelor's degree program are automatically enrolled in the student health and dental plan.

Health and Dental Benefits opt-out/dependent add-on

You can request to opt-out of the Saitsa health and dental plan or request to add dependant(s) during their eligible opt-out/add-dependant deadline. Eligible opt-out/add-dependant periods are based on your programs start date. Please review the appropriate change of coverage deadlines on the Saitsa benefits page to determine when you must opt-out of or add dependant(s) to your Saitsa plan. 

You will need to complete an opt-out or dependent add on request once a year for the duration of your program. Please review the appropriate change of coverage deadlines on the Saitsa benefits page to determine when you must opt-out of or add a dependent to your health and dental benefits.

You must have coverage under a comparable health and dental plan to opt-out. You will be expected to pay the fee and have it reversed after the opt-out opt-out deadline. This will sit on your account as a credit which will be applied to the tuition and fees for your next semester. 

If you are registered or plan to register in a future semester, any credit balance on your account will be applied to the appropriate term. 

Review our tuition and fees for more information on our full refund process.

An additional fee will be applied to your account when you add a dependent. This fee will be payable immediately - review payment options to find an online payment method that works best for you.

Saitsa Benefit Coordinator

Alicia Pearson

Saitsa’s Resource Centre – MC107 Stan Grad

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the provider by calling 1-833-674-2600 or emailing