If you do not have an account with a Canadian financial institution, you can pay your tuition deposit and fees using your own home currency with the PayMyTuition platform.
To pay your deposit:
- Login to mySAIT and in the mySAIT tab dropdown, select myApplication.
- Select the Financial institution outside of Canada link under myApplication > Payments > Make a Payment.
- Once the PayMyTuition platform loads, follow the instructions to process your payment.
To pay your tuition fees:
- Login to mySAIT and in the mySAIT tab dropdown, select myStudent.
- Select the Financial institution outside of Canada link under Finance information > PAY NOW - Deposit, Tuition and Fees.
- Once the PayMyTuition platform loads, follow the instructions to process your payment.
More about PayMyTuition
- How to make a payment with PayMyTuition
- PayMyTuition's rate guarantee
- Answers to frequently asked questions about PayMyTuition
PayMyTuition instructions
To make using the platform easier, we have translated instructions into the following 11 languages.
For technical support making a payment with PayMyTuition, email international.payments@sait.ca.