International - Recruitment

- About Canada - About Calgary, Alberta - Application Fee - Apply for a study Permit - SAIT Program Eligible for (PGWP) - Awards and Scholarships - Agents

About SAIT
Technology — it's in our name In 1916, our doors opened in Calgary, Alberta, Canada with 11 students and a mandate to train veterans returning ...
Wed, 11 May, 2022 at 2:31 PM
International Centre
Whether you're a future or current international student, SAIT's International Centre will provide you with a supportive and inclusive environment...
Mon, 4 Apr, 2022 at 4:22 PM
About Canada
About Canada Canada is the second-largest country in the world with an area of about 9,980,000 square km (3,894,500 square miles). The country has ten pr...
Fri, 26 Nov, 2021 at 8:35 AM
About Calgary, Alberta
Calgary is a vibrant, modern city located in the southern part of Alberta. With a population of 1.4 million, Calgary is the fourth-largest city in Canada. C...
Wed, 15 May, 2024 at 2:54 PM
International Tuition and Fees
You will pay international tuition rates if you are: an international student temporary resident with a study permit, work permit or visitor visa living...
Wed, 15 May, 2024 at 3:31 PM
SAIT programs eligible for PGWP
As an international student, you can apply to a variety of our baccalaureate and applied degrees, diploma and certificate programs. Our programs are design...
Tue, 30 Nov, 2021 at 10:31 AM
Student Awards and Scholarships
Through the generous support of our donors, SAIT is proud to offer over $5 million in awards to students in almost every program. Awards are available to al...
Wed, 15 May, 2024 at 3:56 PM
International - Agents
At SAIT, we work with authorized agents around the world to assist future international students with applying to SAIT. Authorized agents receive speciali...
Tue, 30 Nov, 2021 at 10:33 AM